DbSchema Database Designer

DbSchema | How to Implement Constraints in Sqlite?

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. What is a Constraint?
  4. Advantages and Limitations of Constraints
  5. SQLite Constraints
  6. Implementing Constraints in sqlite3
  7. Implementing Constraints in DbSchema
  8. Conclusion
  9. References


SQLite is an open-source __relational database system that uses the SQL (Structured Query Language) for __querying. One of the critical aspects of SQL and thus SQLite is the use of __constraints. Constraints are rules applied to columns in a database table to limit the type, and the range of values that can be used within columns, ensuring the __integrity and __consistency` of the data within the table.


This article assumes you have a basic understanding of __SQL and __database management systems. It would also be __beneficial to have a fundamental understanding of __SQLite and __DbSchema`.

For installation and establishing connection you can read our article SQLite-How to create a database?

What is a Constraint?

A __constraint is a rule that's applied to a column or set of columns in a database table with the goal of __preserving the data integrity. Constraints __enforce limits on the data type and the range of values that can be used within columns. If any action __violates a constraint, that action is aborted.

Advantages and Limitations of Constraints


  1. Data Accuracy: Constraints ensure that the data adheres to the defined rules, maintaining __data accuracy`.

  2. Data Consistency: By enforcing rules, constraints ensure the __consistency` of data across the database.

  3. Preventing Invalid Data Entry: Constraints prevent __invalid data` from being entered into the database.


  1. Performance Impact: Constraints can impact database __performance`, especially when working with large data sets, as each data modification requires constraint checks.

  2. Increased Complexity: They can increase the __complexity` of SQL queries and database design.

  3. Potential for Data Entry Blockage: If not properly defined, constraints can become __overly restrictive` and block valid data entry.

Restrictions on Using a Constraint

There can be some __restrictions on using constraints, like SQLite does not __enforce the foreign key constraints by default, and you need to enable it manually.

SQLite Constraints alt >

SQLite Constraints

SQLite supports following constraints:

Constraint _Description_
__NOT NULL` Ensures that a column cannot have NULL value
__DEFAULT` Provides a default value for a column when none is specified
__UNIQUE` Ensures that all values in a column are unique
__PRIMARY KEY` A combination of a NOT NULL and UNIQUE. Uniquely identifies each row in a table
__CHECK` Ensures that all values in a column satisfies certain conditions

Implementing Constraints in sqlite3

Implementing constraints in __SQLite3` involves creating or modifying a table structure using SQL commands within the SQLite3 shell.

Accessing sqlite3

SQLite3 is a __terminal-based` frontend to the SQLite library. You can start sqlite3 by simply typing “sqlite3” in your terminal:


Creating a new SQLite database

Once you have sqlite3 started, you can create a new database using the following command:

sqlite> .open newDatabase.db

Now, you have a new SQLite database named __newDatabase.db`.

To know more about creating a database you can read our article SQLite-How to create a database?

Creating a new table with constraints

To create a new table with constraints, you use the __CREATE TABLE` SQL command followed by the table name and the columns with their datatypes and constraints.

To know more about creating a table you can read our article SQLite-How to create a Table?

General Syntax

CREATE TABLE table_name (
    column1 datatype constraint,
    column2 datatype constraint,

Here’s an example:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE Employees (
    Age INT CHECK(Age >= 18),
    Email TEXT UNIQUE,
    City TEXT DEFAULT 'Unknown'

In this example, the __Employees` table is created with the following constraints:

  • The __ID` field is the primary key. It must contain a unique value and cannot be NULL.
  • The __Name` field cannot be NULL.
  • The __Age` field must be greater than or equal to 18.
  • The __Email` field must contain a unique value.
  • The __City` field will default to ‘Unknown’ if no value is specified.



CREATE TABLE Employees (

This query is used to create a table named “Employees” in a database. The table has two columns: “ID” and “Name”.

  • The “ID” column is of type INT (integer) and is marked as NOT NULL, which means it cannot contain a null value (empty or missing value).

  • The “Name” column is of type TEXT, which can store alphanumeric characters, and it is also marked as NOT NULL.


CREATE TABLE Employees (
    City TEXT DEFAULT 'Unknown'

This query creates a table called “Employees” with three columns, where “ID” and “Name” are required to have non-null values, and “City” has a default value of ‘Unknown’ if not explicitly provided.


CREATE TABLE Employees (

This query creates a table named “Employees” with two columns, where “ID” is required to have non-null values, and “Email” must have a unique value for each row.



 Employees (

This query creates a table called “Employees” with two columns, where “ID” serves as the primary key, uniquely identifying each row, and “Name” is required to have non-null values.


CREATE TABLE Employees (
    Age INT CHECK(Age>=18)

This query creates a table called “Employees” with two columns, where “ID” is required to have non-null values, and “Age” must have a value greater than or equal to 18 due to the CHECK constraint.

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Implement Constraints using DbSchema

DbSchema is a __SQLite client and __visual designer. DbSchema has a free Community Edition, which can be downloaded here.
Constraints can be managed in DbSchema by simply double-clicking any table header. In the table dialog you can create new foreign keys or check constraints.

  1. __Open DbSchema` and connect to your SQLite database.
  2. Right-click on the table where you want to add __constraints`, and select ‘Open in Layout’.
  3. In the __table layout`, select the column where you want to add constraints.
  4. On the right panel, you can set the constraint from the ‘Constraint’ dropdown.
  5. For a __CHECK` constraint, select ‘Check Constraint’ from the dropdown and enter the condition in the ‘Expression’ box.
  6. Click ‘Apply’ to save __changes`.

Key Features of DbSchema:

Following are the key features of DbSchema which distinguish it from other database GUI tools.


Understanding and implementing constraints is __crucial in maintaining the accuracy and consistency of the data in a SQLite database. Whether you're using sqlite3 command-line shell or DbSchema, applying constraints effectively ensures __data integrity and facilitates efficient data management.


  1. SQLite Documentation
  2. DbSchema Documentation
  3. SQL Constraints - W3Schools

Visually Manage Databases using DbSchema

DbSchema is a databases client and visual designer. DbSchema has a free Community Edition, which can be downloaded here.
DbSchema main features include:

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Interactive Diagrams

Design tables, column and foreign keys directly in diagrams, by double-clicking them. Changes will be saved to the design model and, if DbSchema is connected to the database also into the database. More.

Connection Dialog alt >

Simple Connection Dialog

Choose the database location, the user and password, and simply get connected. Choose 'Edit Manually' into the JDBC URL combo to enter a custom URL. More.

Relational Data Explorer alt >

Relational Data Explorer

Explore data from multiple tables simultaneously, using foreign keys or virtual foreign keys. Double-click cells to edit the data. More.

Query Builder alt >

Query Builder

Create SQL Queries featuring JOINS, GROUP BY, ORDER BY just using the mouse. More.

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SQL Query Editor

Edit and execute SQL Queries. The editor is autocompletion-enabled. More.

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Design Schema in Team & Schema Deployment

DbSchema is using the design model, a copy of the schema structure, independent of the database.
The design model can be saved to file and shared in a team.
Connecting to another database you may compare the design model with the database, commit the differences or merge them in the design model. More.

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Dark Theme

Configurable styles & dark theme. More.

Many features are available in the free Community edition.
The Pro edition adds capabilities to save the design to the model file, design schema in team and deploy the schema on multiple databases.

DbSchema can be downloaded for free. No registration is required.